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Talking Therapy via Zoom

Inner Child Therapy for one-to-one sessions, couples and groups (families/friends/work colleagues).

The inner child is something considered as a valid part of the human psyche by psychology. In spiritual terms, the inner child can be described as the essence of our soul. The intention behind Inner Child Therapy, is to provide people with tools in which to reconnect with their inner child, in order to free them from emotional and mental issues, that are not serving their highest good and purpose. The Inner Child Theory is that these fundamentally exist, as a result of childhood experiences. By revisiting the childhood experience and forming a healthy relationship with this part of who we are, provides the basis for healing to occur. Essentially, as children we are adapting to survive but in an unhealthy environment, how we adapt, can be the determining factor in how we proceed into the future, in an unhealthy way. Ultimately, Inner Child Therapy helps to integrate the adult self, with the inner child. For more information, click here

What makes this talking therapy unique?

Melissa uses an ancient technique to clear and transmute your energy whilst you are speaking. You will feel lighter and grounded after the session. It is vital that you drink plenty of fluids, in the 72 hours following the session. This is to support your system, as the “background energy work” that Melissa does, has a detoxifying effect, not only on a physical level but also emotional, mental and spiritual too.

Some areas that can be addressed are:

• Emotional difficulties • Self-loathing • Relationship challenges • Trauma – emotional abuse, sexual or physical • Neglect and abandonment • Addiction • Co-dependency • Anger management • Issues around self-worth, feeling enough and deserving love • Self-love • Dark night of the soul (described by many as spiritual depression) • Grief and loss • Identifying what healthy boundaries are • Learning how to trust and listen to yourself and your intuition • Pain/chronic pain management • Anxiety • Depression • Suicidal ideation or tendencies

Melissa’s qualifications:

Suicide First Aid Tutor, City & Guilds
Advanced Diploma in Shadow Work
Advanced Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Diploma in Inner Child Therapy
Diploma in Behavioural Psychology
Diploma in Emotional Freedom Technique (Level 3)
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Reiki Master Healer in Usui Traditional Reiki
Angelic and Karuna Reiki Practitioner
Shamanic Healer Diploma

Further details

Please email:

We are proudly registered with Think Tree, for our talking therapy service via Zoom. 

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