Unlocking Emotional Freedom: Exploring the Benefits and Techniques of EFT

Introduction to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly known as tapping, is a powerful self-help method that combines principles of traditional Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Developed by Gary Craig, EFT aims to address both physical and emotional issues by tapping on specific points on the body’s meridian lines while focusing on particular concerns.

The Foundations of EFT

1. Energy Disruptions and Emotional Distress:
– Traditional psychotherapy often links negative emotions to traumatic memories, assuming that these emotions are inextricably linked to past events. In contrast, energy psychology suggests that negative emotions are caused by disruptions in the body’s energy system associated with these memories. EFT addresses these disruptions, providing a path to emotional relief by targeting the body’s energy flow.

2. Mechanism of Action:
– Calming the Amygdala: Studies from Harvard Medical School indicate that EFT can decrease blood flow to the amygdala, a part of the brain involved in the stress response. This reduction in activity, along with the release of endorphins and an increase in GABA (a calming neurotransmitter), helps to alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of well-being.

3. Pattern Interrupt:
– EFT works by interrupting the brain’s usual response to emotional triggers. Tapping sends a message to the amygdala that the stimulus (whether a memory, emotion or thought) is non-threatening. This re-education helps to detach negative emotions from specific memories, allowing for healthier emotional processing.

Key EFT Techniques

1. Setup Statement and Tapping Sequence:

– Setup Statement: This involves acknowledging the problem while accepting oneself. A typical setup statement might be, “Even though I have this issue, I deeply and completely accept myself”. Repeating this three times helps to set the stage for the tapping process.

– Tapping Sequence: The tapping sequence involves tapping on specific acupoints on the body while focusing on the concern and using a reminder phrase, such as “this anxiety” or “this pain”. Gary Craig simplified this process by incorporating a range of acupoints into one routine, ensuring comprehensive coverage without needing to know specific meridians.

2. Some Acupoints and Their Effects:

– Karate Chop Point (Small Intestine Meridian): Located on the side of the hand, this point is associated with resolving psychological reversals, sadness and anxiety while supporting the ability to move forward and connect with the present.
– Eyebrow Point (Bladder and Stomach Meridians): Found at the beginning of the eyebrow, this point helps resolve frustration, shock and impatience, promoting peace and hope.
– Under Eye Point (Stomach Meridian): Tapping here can alleviate fear, anxiety, and obsessive worry, fostering feelings of contentment and security.
– Collarbone Point (Kidney Meridian): Located in the small depressions just under the collarbone, this point addresses psychological reversals, worry and general stress, supporting confidence and clarity.
– Top of Head (Bladder and Governing Meridian): This point is at the crown of the head and is used to address scattered thinking and lack of focus, promoting spiritual connection, intuition and wisdom.

Physiological Benefits of EFT

1. Stress and Health:

– Impact of Stress: Chronic stress negatively affects the body by blocking serotonin, impairing digestion and weakening the immune system. EFT can help manage stress by calming the nervous system and restoring balance which is crucial for overall health.

– Meridian Stimulation: By tapping on the body’s meridian points, EFT influences the flow of subtle electrical energy, leading to significant changes in both emotional and physical health. This stimulation can reset the meridians, improve energy flow and support various physiological functions.

2. Heart-Brain Synchronization:

– Heart’s Electrical Field: The heart generates an electrical field much greater than that of the brain. Positive emotions like compassion and gratitude enhance heart-rhythm coherence which in turn improves heart-brain synchronization. This state of coherence aids in clear thinking, good decision-making and acting on intuition. Interestingly, a coherent heart can also influence the brains of others, promoting collective emotional health.


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) offer a unique and effective approach to emotional healing by combining the wisdom of ancient acupressure with modern psychological insights. Through simple tapping sequences and a focus on energy disruptions, EFT provides a practical tool for managing stress, alleviating negative emotions and promoting overall well-being. Whether you are dealing with chronic stress, specific emotional issues or just seeking a better emotional balance, EFT can be a valuable addition to your self-care routine.

Melissa is qualified as a Level 3 Practitioner in EFT