Ellen Freund, Film and Television Property Master

Melissa is a connector. She’s one of those rare people who is intensely interested in the world around her and truly wants to understand and shed light on ideas and people who might not receive that light. Melissa interviewed me for her magazine, Niroshini Mini Magazine and brought out the most unexpected parts of my history and beliefs. I believe she is a rare talent and a truly wonderful person.

Diana Haycock

I met Melissa last November at a luxury Christmas shopping event. She explained about how the Niroshini Cosmetic Acupuncture Ritual worked and then after much consideration I decided to book an appointment.

Upon arrival Melissa was warmly welcoming and soon put me at ease asking questions about my general health and what I was expecting the acupuncture to do for me and I decided to maybe try two or three treatments to see what happened. I ended up having 10 – I really could see a difference!

During the treatment my face was cleansed and acupuncture needles were inserted in my face. Some of the needles were placed in and around the wrinkles, some specifically to lift the facial tissue and some positioned for general health purposes.

Whilst the needles were in my face, I was given a hand and arm massage which was very relaxing. Part way through the Ritual, Melissa stimulated the needles by moving each one slightly. When the needles were gently removed from my face, my skin was cleansed and collagen was massaged onto my face. This was followed by a face and neck massage which I found really relaxing, then all too soon it was time to
come back to the real world.

Looking at my face after treatment (without a scrap of make-up) my skin had a healthy glow, occasionally a needle left slight bruising but a touch of arnica and a little make-up worked wonders and it soon disappeared.

Melissa took photographs of before and after treatments – there was a definite improvement but it did need time to work, it is not instantaneous; it is a process. Halfway through my course of 10, even my sister noticed a difference. I was rewarded with a more youthful looking facial complexion with far less noticeable wrinkles than at the beginning (not completely gone) and a defined jaw line due to the lifting techniques Melissa carried out.

I can thoroughly recommend it.

See Diana’s before and after photos on slide 2: click here

Amy Fairley, Suicide First Aid Tutor

I have been fortunate to collaborate with the remarkable Melissa. We share a deep passion for positively transforming people’s lives. We first crossed paths during our Suicide First Aid Intervention Tutor Training. Although our backgrounds were quite different, we are united by a common purpose of helping and supporting others.

I have had the pleasure of working with Melissa for the past year. She is a driven, competent and professional individual with a beautiful spirit. Melissa always keeps the needs of the person she is serving at the forefront of her work. The exceptional quality of her output is truly phenomenal.

I count myself blessed to have met this wonderful person and to call her both a colleague and a friend. Anyone who receives an intervention from Melissa, can be assured they are in highly capable and caring hands.

The Power of Authenticity: Manifesting the Life You Truly Want

In the pursuit of personal growth and fulfilment, authenticity emerges as a cornerstone principle. It’s not merely about presenting a polished facade to the world but rather aligning our thoughts, actions and intentions with our true selves. This alignment not only enhances our sense of self-worth but also plays a crucial role in manifesting the life we deeply desire.

Understanding Authenticity

Authenticity, in essence, means being true to oneself. It involves acknowledging our genuine thoughts, emotions and values without the filter of societal expectations or personal insecurities. Dr. Joe Dispenza, a renowned neuroscientist and author, underscores the significance of authenticity in his teachings on consciousness and personal transformation. According to Dispenza, our ability to create meaningful change in our lives begins with understanding who we truly are at our core.

The Science Behind Authenticity

From a neuroscientific perspective, Dispenza explains how our habitual thoughts and emotions shape our brain’s neural pathways. When we consistently align our thoughts with our authentic desires and aspirations, we begin to rewire our brain’s circuitry. This neural rewiring, often referred to as neuroplasticity, supports the manifestation of new behaviours and outcomes aligned with our authentic self.

Authenticity as a Catalyst for Manifestation

Manifestation, broadly defined as the process of bringing our desires into reality, thrives on authenticity. When we act in alignment with our true selves, we emit a powerful energetic frequency that attracts corresponding opportunities and experiences. Conversely, living inauthentically can lead to inner conflict, stress and a disconnect from our deepest desires.

Practical Steps Toward Authentic Living

1. Self-Reflection: Take time to introspect and identify your core values, passions and aspirations. Journaling or meditation can be effective tools for this process.

2. Alignment of Actions: Ensure that your daily actions and decisions reflect your authentic values and long-term goals. This may involve making conscious choices that prioritise personal integrity over external validation.

3. Courageous Vulnerability: Embrace vulnerability as a pathway to authenticity. Share your true thoughts and emotions with trusted individuals, fostering deeper connections and self-acceptance.

4. Mindfulness Practice: Cultivate mindfulness to stay attuned to your authentic self amidst life’s distractions and challenges. Mindfulness techniques, such as breathing exercises or mindful awareness, can help reinforce your authentic presence.


Living authentically isn’t always easy but its rewards are profound. By embracing authenticity as a guiding principle, inspired by insights from thought leaders like Dr. Joe Dispenza, we empower ourselves to manifest a life filled with purpose, joy and fulfilment. As we align our thoughts, emotions and actions with our true essence, we harness the transformative power of authenticity to create a reality that reflects our deepest aspirations.

Caroline Swiderska

Melissa is extremely talented. She recently did some long-distance healing and without being prompted, she worked on areas that had been giving me pain. I couldn’t recommend her more.

Understanding Lise Bourbeau’s Five Wounds and Their Masks: How Emotional Wounds Manifest in Our Physical Bodies

In the realm of self-help and personal development, few frameworks offer as profound an understanding of human behaviour and emotional healing as Lise Bourbeau’s concept of the Five Wounds and their corresponding masks. Bourbeau, a renowned author and founder of the “Listen to Your Body” series, delves into the deep-seated emotional wounds that shape our lives and intriguingly, how these wounds manifest in our physical bodies. Let’s explore these five wounds, their masks and the physical manifestations that accompany them.

The Five Wounds and Their Masks

1. Rejection: This wound leads to the mask of the Withdrawer. Individuals with this wound often avoid situations where they might face rejection, leading to emotional detachment and physical withdrawal. They might appear aloof and isolated, creating a barrier to protect themselves from potential rejection.

2. Abandonment: This wound results in the mask of the Dependent. People with this wound have a deep fear of loneliness and seek constant support and reassurance, struggling with independence. They may cling to others and exhibit behaviours that ensure they are not left alone, often compromising their own needs to maintain relationships.

3. Humiliation: Formed from experiences of shame, this wound creates the mask of the Masochist. Those affected often engage in self-sabotaging behaviours and endure mistreatment, fearing further humiliation. They may seek to please others excessively, even at the cost of their own well-being and tend to belittle themselves.

4. Betrayal: Linked to trust issues, the betrayal wound leads to the mask of the Controller. Individuals with this wound strive to dominate situations and people to avoid being hurt again, exhibiting controlling behaviours and mistrust. They often feel the need to be in charge and can become frustrated when things don’t go according to their plans.

5. Injustice: Stemming from experiences of unfair treatment, this wound results in the mask of the Rigid. People with this wound tend to be perfectionists and very critical, both of themselves and others, striving for justice and fairness. They may have a strict, disciplined demeanour and find it difficult to relax or go with the flow.

Physical Manifestations of the Wounds

Bourbeau emphasises the mind-body connection, highlighting how emotional wounds manifest in our physical bodies.

1. Rejection: Individuals may have a frail or thin body, with skin issues like eczema or rashes as the body tries to “reject” itself. They might also display a closed-off posture, as if physically shielding themselves from others.

2. Abandonment: Physical signs include a slouched posture, respiratory issues and weight fluctuations due to emotional eating. These individuals may also experience chronic fatigue and a general sense of heaviness in their bodies.

3. Humiliation: This wound often shows through weight issues, particularly obesity and digestive problems, reflecting the body’s processing of emotional shame. They might have poor posture and exhibit signs of stress in their facial expressions and body language.

4. Betrayal: Those with this wound might have a robust and muscular build, tension headaches, back pain and heart problems due to constant stress. They may also exhibit tight, tense muscles, especially in the neck and shoulders, reflecting their need to stay alert and in control.

5. Injustice: Physical manifestations include a rigid posture, joint problems and skin issues such as psoriasis, symbolising emotional inflexibility. These individuals might also suffer from chronic stiffness and discomfort, reflecting their struggle with rigidity and perfectionism.

Healing the Wounds

1. Acknowledge the Wound: Recognise and accept the wound’s presence. Awareness is the first step towards healing.
2. Identify the Mask: Understand how the mask influences your behaviour and how it has protected you.
3. Seek Professional Help: Therapy and counselling can aid in healing by providing tools and support for emotional processing.
4. Practice Self-Compassion: Cultivate a loving and accepting attitude towards yourself. Acknowledge that these wounds are a part of your journey and not a reflection of your worth.
5. Mind-Body Practices: Engage in yoga, meditation and mindful breathing to reconnect with your body and release stored emotional tension. These practices help to integrate and heal both emotional and physical aspects of the wounds.


Lise Bourbeau’s insights into the Five Wounds and their masks offer a profound understanding of the interplay between our emotional and physical selves. By recognising and addressing these wounds, we can heal holistically, transforming our wounds into wisdom and leading a balanced, fulfilling life. Through this journey, we can develop greater self-awareness, compassion and resilience, ultimately creating a more harmonious and authentic existence.

Barriers to Support for Suicidal Individuals at the Grassroots Level

Reasons for Lack of Support

1. Stigma and Misunderstanding
– Mental health stigma persists, making individuals reluctant to seek help due to fear of judgment or discrimination. Misunderstandings about the severity and nature of mental health conditions among both the public and healthcare providers can lead to dismissive attitudes and inadequate responses.
– Research Support: A study by Henderson, Evans-Lacko and Thornicroft (2013) found that stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness are significant barriers to seeking help and receiving appropriate care. The researchers highlighted that “public stigma and self-stigma can prevent individuals from accessing mental health services, thereby exacerbating their condition”.

2. Limited Training and Resources
– General Practitioners (GPs) and Accident & Emergency (A&E) staff may lack specialised training in mental health, particularly in recognising and managing suicidal ideation. This can result in inappropriate or insufficient care.
– Research Support: A survey conducted by the Royal College of Psychiatrists revealed that only 46% of trainees felt adequately trained to deal with suicide risk, highlighting the need for improved mental health education among medical professionals. The report states, “A significant proportion of trainees report feeling ill-equipped to handle patients with suicidal tendencies, indicating a gap in current medical training programmes”.

3. Systemic Barriers
– Healthcare systems may be under-resourced, leading to long wait times and limited availability of mental health services. High-risk patients may be categorised in ways that prevent them from receiving timely and effective support.
– Research Support: A report by the National Audit Office (2019) showed that systemic issues, such as long waiting times and limited service availability, significantly impact the effectiveness of mental health support systems. The report emphasises that “patients often face delays and barriers to accessing mental health care which can lead to worsening of their conditions and higher risks of suicide”.

4. Inadequate Follow-Up
– Even when initial contact is made, follow-up care can be inconsistent. Without proper follow-up, individuals may feel abandoned and more isolated, exacerbating their condition.
– Research Support: A study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry found that patients who received follow-up care after a suicide attempt were significantly less likely to make another attempt compared to those who did not receive follow-up care. The study concludes that “consistent follow-up care is crucial in reducing repeat suicide attempts and improving long-term outcomes for patients”.

5. Communication Issues
– Patients may find it difficult to express their suicidal thoughts due to fear, shame or the inability to articulate their feelings. This can lead to misunderstandings and inadequate responses from healthcare providers.
– Research Support: Research by Michelmore and Hindley (2012) indicates that many individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts do not seek help because they feel unable to communicate their distress effectively, often due to fear of negative reactions. The researchers note, “Effective communication is essential for identifying and managing suicidal ideation, yet many patients struggle to convey their feelings due to stigma and fear”.

Impact of Inadequate Support

1. Increased Risk of Suicide
– Lack of timely and appropriate support increases the risk of suicide. Individuals may feel more hopeless and isolated, leading to a greater likelihood of attempting suicide.

2. Mental Health Deterioration
– Without proper intervention, the mental health of suicidal individuals can deteriorate further, making recovery more challenging and protracted.

3. Repeated emergency department visits
– Inadequate initial support often results in repeated emergency department visits and higher demand for acute mental health services.

4. Emotional and Social Consequences
– Families and friends of individuals who do not receive proper support can experience significant emotional distress, contributing to a cycle of mental health issues within the community.

Effective Communication Strategies for GPs and A&E Staff

Key Communication Techniques:

1. Active Listening
– Demonstrate empathy and understanding by actively listening to the patient’s concerns without judgment. Encourage them to express their feelings openly.

2. Validation
– Acknowledge the patient’s feelings and experiences as valid. This helps build trust and rapport, making it easier for them to share their thoughts.

3. Open-Ended Questions
– Use open-ended questions to encourage more detailed responses. For example, “Can you tell me more about what has been troubling you?” instead of “Are you feeling okay?”.

4. Safety Planning
– Collaboratively develop a safety plan that includes coping strategies and emergency contacts. Ensure the patient feels involved in the process and understands the steps to take if they feel at risk.

5. Follow-Up
– Schedule follow-up appointments and make regular check-ins to monitor the patient’s progress and adjust care plans as needed.

Studies on Grassroots Support Challenges

1. Inaccessibility of Services
– Research indicates that many high-risk individuals are often unable to access grassroots support services due to stringent criteria and resource limitations. This exclusion exacerbates their sense of isolation and helplessness. A report highlights, “Resource limitations and strict eligibility criteria prevent many high-risk individuals from accessing essential support services, leaving them feeling more isolated and at greater risk”.

2. Effectiveness of Active Postvention Services
– Studies show that active postvention services which reach out to individuals bereaved by suicide, significantly reduce the time taken to seek help. Such models can be adapted to support suicidal individuals more effectively. Research findings suggest that “active postvention services not only reduce the delay in seeking help but also provide crucial support during critical times, potentially preventing further suicides”.


Improving support for suicidal individuals at the grassroots level requires addressing systemic barriers, enhancing training for healthcare providers and implementing effective communication strategies. By ensuring timely and appropriate care, we can reduce the incidence of suicide and provide a safety net for those in crisis.

Melissa is qualified as a Suicide First Aid Tutor. To read testimonials click here and to find out more, click here

– Henderson, C., Evans-Lacko, S., & Thornicroft, G. (2013). [Mental illness stigma, help seeking, and public health programs] *American Journal of Public Health, 103*(5), 777-780.
– Royal College of Psychiatrists. (2019). [Training and Workforce Survey]
– National Audit Office. (2019). [Mental Health Services]
– British Journal of Psychiatry. (2018). [Follow-up care and suicide prevention]
– Michelmore, L., & Hindley, P. (2012). [Help-seeking for suicidal thoughts and self-harm in young people] *Journal of Adolescence, 35*(5), 999-1004.